The rebirth of The Crypto Meme.

Greetings, fellow crypto enthusiasts and meme lovers! We are thrilled to extend a warm, cheeseburger-filled welcome to you at Hamby Coin, where fun, laughter, and  financial freedom converge in the world of crypto memes!

Contract Address: 0xa88a56c6DcC7E63065e77d0eCeb95cBD60379D22

Your funds are SAFU

Hamby - The Return of the Crypto Meme!
View the Hamby chart on Dextools

Who We Are


Who the hell is HAMBY?


Hamby Coin is not just any ordinary crypto coin; it’s a unique community-led meme coin that proudly boasts a lovable character with a cheeseburger for a head!

Our character is based on illustrations from Matt Furie in his book “Mind Viscosity”.

This character was not given an name and he is tired of staying quiet in the background.

Our mission is to bring joy and a touch of humor to the world of decentralized finance.


Learn How to Buy Hamby Token

How to Buy

1. Create a Wallet

You can download Metamask or any wallet of your choice for free on the app store or Google Play Store. For desktop users, access metamask.io to download the Google Chrome extension.

2. Get Some ETH

To buy $HAMBY, you will need to have ETH in your wallet. If you don’t have any ETH, you can purchase it directly on MetaMask, transfer it from another wallet, or buy it on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Ham Chad

3. Go to Uniswap

To connect with Uniswap, open app.uniswap.org on Google Chrome or on the browser in your Metamask app. Connect your wallet and paste the $HAMBY token address into Uniswap, select $HAMBY, confirm, and sign when Metamask prompts for a wallet signature

4. Swap ETH for $HAMBY

You will now swap your desired amount of ETH for $HAMBY tokens. If your transaction fails, try increasing your slippage. If you are still having trouble, hop on over to our official Telegram group where one of our lovely community members will try to help you.

Check the $HAMBY Mathematics


Token Supply

100 Trillion Tokens

Tax Breakdown

Taxes will be applied to each transaction to help fund the project development/marketing as well as strengthen the liquidity pool. This will help the project grow and stabilize price volatility!

Buy Tax – 3%
Sell Tax – 3%

1% goes towards LP to create strong floors
2% goes to the marketing wallet

Explore the Future Plan


Stealth Launch
  • We will launch in a stealthy manner, ensuring a fair and equal opportunity for all participants.
  • The initial token distribution will be conducted in a way that avoids whales and promotes widespread ownership within the community.
  • Our focus during this phase will be on establishing a strong foundation for the project and building momentum for future growth.
Community Becomes Active
  • As the project gains traction, the Hamby community will begin to thrive and become more engaged.
  • We will foster an inclusive and supportive environment where members can actively participate in discussions, share ideas, and contribute to the project’s development.
  • Community-driven initiatives, such as voting mechanisms and governance structures, will be introduced to ensure the collective voice of all Hamby holders is heard and valued.
Memes, MeeMees, and Mémés
  • We will host exciting memeathons that encourage community members to unleash their wit and humor.
  • Memeathons will be held regularly, providing an opportunity for participants to win prizes and showcase their meme skills.
End Honeymoon Phase
  • After the initial excitement, we anticipate the project entering a more stable phase, marked by the consolidation of our community and the maturation of our ecosystem.
  • This phase will involve fine-tuning our strategies, addressing any early challenges, and solidifying our position as a reliable and sustainable meme coin on the Ethereum network.
  • We will continue to foster transparency and open communication with our community, ensuring that their concerns and feedback are taken into account as we progress.

Get in Contact with $HAMBY


To connect with us, the most effective channels are our Twitter and Telegram accounts. However, if you prefer a more traditional approach, you can also reach out to us via email at admin(at)hambytoken.com.

Please refrain from contacting us regarding marketing, trends, CMC fast track, or CEX listings. We have a dedicated team handling these aspects internally and are not currently seeking partnerships with any third-party entities. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you!

© 2023 HambyToken.com. Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investments involve risks. Please conduct your own research and seek professional advice before investing.